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Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

FarmVille Pink Cow.

A new farmville lost animals, take a look for this pink cow :)
Ready to Collect in 1 day
Harvest : Strawberry Milk ?? Milk Sells for 18 coins
Rarity: Very Rare
Here’s the official statement :
Farmers, I just came across somethin’ I’ve never seen before in all my years of farmin’ - a PINK COW! I’m guessin’ this one must have grown up on a Strawberry Farm… She was so darn cute, I decided to take her in, and it looks like she’s already makin’ friends. Y’all should help these ladies out if ya see ‘em.
After farmville elephant, now a cute pink cow ^0^ hmm.. they mention the strawberry farm so i guess If we harvest pink cow, she will gives us a strawberry milk :D
You can’t find Pink Cow in the market of gifting, it’s only available by adoption. Another Farmville lost animal :P So now we have :
- Black Sheep
- Brown Cow
- Ugly Duckling
- Pink Cow
If you don’t know how to adopted lost animal on farmville, you can see farmville tips and tricks :D
So if we list all the Farmville Cows, we have this picture :P