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Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Country Story Dog Cheat

So have you finished collecting 15 friends with 100 friendship points for country story dog quest ? Not yet ? Tired to sending gift that worth 10 friend points every day ? Okay if you have give up, you can try this country story dog cheat :) You’ll get your dog in a minute.

Some tools you’ll need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5
2) Firefox
3) FlashPlayer 9.0 or 10.0
1. First, make sure you are level 8
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.5 and choose as process: FireFox.exe or Iexplorer
3. Tick HEX, Choose 8 bytes, (Also Scan Read Only Memory)
4. Scan 4E8B10438B104389
5. Right click and Disassemble
6. On the first like right click “Mov [ebx+10], eax and click “Change register at this location”
7. Tick EAX and enter “f” at the value.
8. Open country story and click on quest and you will see your dog :)