ane sekedar share aja sama kaskuser yang pada belom tau nih gan, kalo yang udah tau lebih baik diam
Ane pengen ngasih tau cara buat tampilan kaskus lebih enak buat ngepost atau buat ngereply nih gan
- bisa melihat siapa aja yang udah ngasih ente cendol/bata.
- punya fasilitas quick reply. (bisa lebih cepet quote/reply thread)
(langsung disertai emotion)
- bisa tau isi spoiler ada gambar atau tidak tanpa harus membukanya dulu dan bisa membuka semua spoiler sekaligus.
(bagus untuk menghindari jebakan betmen)
- bisa melihat thread priview dengan mengklik tanda [+] tanpa harus membuka threadnya
(disertai juga dengan quick reply)
- icon smiley kecil, besar, upload image, icon tambahan spoiler, youtube, text terbalik, alay mode, dll.
(dalam 1 page reply/quote)
- bisa mengetahui kematangan cendol dengan tepat sehingga tau kapan bisa kasih cendol lagi setelah 1 hari (24jam) berlalu.
applikasi tersebut dapat diinstall di google chrome dan mozilla firefox
kalo mau install di gc, download dulu nih gan:
Google Chrome
kalau mau install di mozilla, install ini dulu nih gan:
Mozilla Firefox
setelah itu langsung aja install link-link berikut ini:
install link diatas satu per satu
saat menginstall nanti akan ada pilihan dipojok kiri bawah
[continue] [discard] --> pilih continue
sumber : Kaskus
maap copas gan
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Rabu, 06 April 2011
Senin, 24 Januari 2011
Cheat Tradewinds 2 & Tradewinds Unlikely Heroes
1.Download & Install Cheat Engine di Cheat Engine 6.0
2.Attach Progress ke game ___ , bukan yang game doang
3.scan uang yang di punyain sekarang [misal: 1000]
4.kurangin uang di Tradewinds nya sedikit aja ato simpen dibank
5.Terus Scan uang yang sekarang [misal: dari 1000 jadi 900] scan 900 nya , terus next scan
6. trus keluar 3 baris di address bar di sebelah kiri , double click semuanya
7. Terus ke address bar yang di bawah , value nya ganti jadi 2000000000 [ 2 Bil (maks)] Jangan 99999999999 , pasti error
8. Selesei
2.Attach Progress ke game ___ , bukan yang game doang
3.scan uang yang di punyain sekarang [misal: 1000]
4.kurangin uang di Tradewinds nya sedikit aja ato simpen dibank
5.Terus Scan uang yang sekarang [misal: dari 1000 jadi 900] scan 900 nya , terus next scan
6. trus keluar 3 baris di address bar di sebelah kiri , double click semuanya
7. Terus ke address bar yang di bawah , value nya ganti jadi 2000000000 [ 2 Bil (maks)] Jangan 99999999999 , pasti error
8. Selesei
Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010
cheat score klik gede Game "Ayo buat telunjukmu Patah"
*)Cheat Engine
1.Masuk Aplikasinya
2.Masuk Cheat Engine (Attache Browser ke Mozilla / browser lu pada)
3.Klik Start di aplikasinya
4.Ke Cheat Engine ,check list yang "Enable SpeedHack" terus ubah jadi 0
5.Ke Aplikasinya lagi ,terus klik sebanyak mungkin ,kalo udah bosen ke cheat engine lagi ganti jadi 1.0 lagi
*)Cheat Engine
1.Masuk Aplikasinya
2.Masuk Cheat Engine (Attache Browser ke Mozilla / browser lu pada)
3.Klik Start di aplikasinya
4.Ke Cheat Engine ,check list yang "Enable SpeedHack" terus ubah jadi 0
5.Ke Aplikasinya lagi ,terus klik sebanyak mungkin ,kalo udah bosen ke cheat engine lagi ganti jadi 1.0 lagi
Cheat Balapan Car Town
Download dulu Cheat Engine 5.6.1
1.Masuk CarTown
2.Buka Cheat Engine
3.Attach ke plugin container (bukan mozilla ) [tapi browser diwajibkan mozilla] car town ,cari musuh buat di lawan
5.Jangan dulu race ,pilih yang PRACTICE dulu
6.Skor akhir dari yang practice masukin ke cheat engine ,trus first scan car town lagi ,sekarang baru race (jangan yang practice lagi)
8.Jangan langsung ready ,ke Cheat Engine ,terus scan 0 ,pilih next scan
9,nanti di address ada 1 ,klik 2 kali ,nanti muncul di window di bawah valua ,klik 2 kali ,ganti skornya jadi berapa aja ,terus balik lagi ke car town ,ready
1.Masuk CarTown
2.Buka Cheat Engine
3.Attach ke plugin container (bukan mozilla ) [tapi browser diwajibkan mozilla] car town ,cari musuh buat di lawan
5.Jangan dulu race ,pilih yang PRACTICE dulu
6.Skor akhir dari yang practice masukin ke cheat engine ,trus first scan car town lagi ,sekarang baru race (jangan yang practice lagi)
8.Jangan langsung ready ,ke Cheat Engine ,terus scan 0 ,pilih next scan
9,nanti di address ada 1 ,klik 2 kali ,nanti muncul di window di bawah valua ,klik 2 kali ,ganti skornya jadi berapa aja ,terus balik lagi ke car town ,ready
Cafe World Hacks - Coins Cheat v2
* Charles 3.4.1 [ ] | [] (do not update)
* Firefox 3.5
Steps :
1. Open Charles Proxy (Make sure it loads finish)
2. Go into Cafe World
3. Right click first gateway on "" (x is random digit )
4. Then, Select "Breakpoint"
5. Immediately go to Cafe World, Click Use Gifts, Click Serve on any of the drinks
6. A breakpoint tab will appear on Charles
7. Click it, click AMF.
8. Expand the [4] and you will see 'customers' with a value
9. Change that value to "1000000" then Click "Execute"
* Charles 3.4.1 [ ] | [] (do not update)
* Firefox 3.5
Steps :
1. Open Charles Proxy (Make sure it loads finish)
2. Go into Cafe World
3. Right click first gateway on "" (x is random digit )
4. Then, Select "Breakpoint"
5. Immediately go to Cafe World, Click Use Gifts, Click Serve on any of the drinks
6. A breakpoint tab will appear on Charles
7. Click it, click AMF.
8. Expand the [4] and you will see 'customers' with a value
9. Change that value to "1000000" then Click "Execute"
Nightclub City - Regular Celebrities and level 50 cheats
* Firefox
* Charles
1. Open Charles
2. Enter Nightclub City [play now]
3. In Charles, you will see the line ''
4. Expand tas/ > Expand 'user'
5. You will see the line 'getUser'
6. Right click and select Breakpoints
7. Reload NightClub City
8. Game will freeze and a breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
9. Click Execute once and you will see an Edit Response Tab.
10. Click that, Click Text. (I recommend copying everything to notepad++ so you can change ALL celebrity count easily )
11. Change 'totalMoney' for EXP to any value you want
12. Change 'money' for Money to any value you want
Regular Celebrities to get their Kisses
13. If you have listened to's recommendation, you will have everything on notepad, so just Ctrl-F and search for visitCount:1
14. Replace ALL with visitCount:88 (Do not screw this up. Make sure you replace visitCount:X with visitCount:X where X is any digits. If you screw this up, you really should not be cheating.)
15. Now just copy everything from notepad++ and paste it back into the place where you copied them from originally.
16. Go back to the Session tab, Right click 'getUser' and select Breapoints again to remove it.
17. Go back to the Breakpoint tab, click Execute.
18. Game will load with your new level and coins.
19. Play with it a while then SAVE the game.
20. Now you will have a new level and check your celebs wall where you can see their kisses
* Firefox
* Charles
1. Open Charles
2. Enter Nightclub City [play now]
3. In Charles, you will see the line ''
4. Expand tas/ > Expand 'user'
5. You will see the line 'getUser'
6. Right click and select Breakpoints
7. Reload NightClub City
8. Game will freeze and a breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
9. Click Execute once and you will see an Edit Response Tab.
10. Click that, Click Text. (I recommend copying everything to notepad++ so you can change ALL celebrity count easily )
11. Change 'totalMoney' for EXP to any value you want
12. Change 'money' for Money to any value you want
Regular Celebrities to get their Kisses
13. If you have listened to's recommendation, you will have everything on notepad, so just Ctrl-F and search for visitCount:1
14. Replace ALL with visitCount:88 (Do not screw this up. Make sure you replace visitCount:X with visitCount:X where X is any digits. If you screw this up, you really should not be cheating.)
15. Now just copy everything from notepad++ and paste it back into the place where you copied them from originally.
16. Go back to the Session tab, Right click 'getUser' and select Breapoints again to remove it.
17. Go back to the Breakpoint tab, click Execute.
18. Game will load with your new level and coins.
19. Play with it a while then SAVE the game.
20. Now you will have a new level and check your celebs wall where you can see their kisses
Pet Society - Database cheat // 3.2.45
* Firefox
* Fiddler
* Pet - []
Note: For the blue coins items, you will need blue coins (duhs). This will only help those who spends blue coins regularly and wants to get specified item instead of the random item. (I feel that this is somewhat Playfish cheating you as it doesnt make sense to pay real money but you may not get the item you want? Hmmm)
1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. There are 2 files.
2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery. The 2 rule editors are as required
3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
4. Now just visit the MysteryShop and you will be able to purchase the new MB items and many others
Cheat Includes:
* All Wig Dye + Dark Red + Nerdy bob wig
* Cash Peets + Instant Growth
* 49day nanny large battery
* All Petling CC
* All tree fertilizer
* Cash Items Selection. (require blue coins but you get the specified item you want instead of random)
* Firefox
* Fiddler
* Pet - []
Note: For the blue coins items, you will need blue coins (duhs). This will only help those who spends blue coins regularly and wants to get specified item instead of the random item. (I feel that this is somewhat Playfish cheating you as it doesnt make sense to pay real money but you may not get the item you want? Hmmm)
1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. There are 2 files.
2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery. The 2 rule editors are as required
3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
4. Now just visit the MysteryShop and you will be able to purchase the new MB items and many others
Cheat Includes:
* All Wig Dye + Dark Red + Nerdy bob wig
* Cash Peets + Instant Growth
* 49day nanny large battery
* All Petling CC
* All tree fertilizer
* Cash Items Selection. (require blue coins but you get the specified item you want instead of random)
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